This is where I will keep some thoughts and ideas regarding myself and gaming. I am working on creating a stream not for a living, I enjoy my job, but for the fun of it. This is where I am going to outline thoughts and information outside of my twitch stream which can be found at This blog will consist of thoughts regarding gaming as well as technology and other items. I hope you enjoy the stream and this blog.

My favorite game type is the First Person Shooter. I have been playing them for years. I started with Wolfenstien 3D and the Doom series. Over the years I have played a number of games that I have enjoyed. However, even though I have been playing for years I don’t claim to be skilled. I just play for fun and to take my mind off any troubles that I am having.

Lately I have been playing a number of games lately. The one that I keep going back to is Destiny 2. But in addition I play Tom Clancy’s The Division2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Overwatch (on occasion), and off my normal game set, STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order.

I’ve been thinking of starting streaming and have taken the time to setup a lot of the necessary requirements for it. Because I only play for fun my system is not the best and most expensive, but it does what I need. For the streaming that I am going to be doing I have a separate computer that will run the stream while I play on a different one. This will, I think, allow me to have some better control over the different audio levels that I will be dealing with.

The one thing that I am working with right now is trying to figure out a theme for myself and the stream. I am not exactly the most creative person however I have a couple friends that I will be relying on for help. Right now I am using a stock photo for my logo on Twitch and Discord but I want something more professional and complete. Once I have determined that I will be setting up a schedule for myself to stream and trying to stick to it. In addition I will be working on keeping this blog up to date with different posts that I will try to relate to the stream for the most part.