So, a new expansion for Destiny 2 is out. I thought I was done with the game I really did. But I saw some other people playing that I thought were done and talked to them about it. I was convinced to give it another shot. So, I get into the start of the campaign and there’s the option for ‘Legendary’ instead of just normal. This was a major change. I started the campaign and almost immediately, BAM, dead! So, I made a quick edit to my stream and added a death counter. Then some friends and I were joking about how many deaths that I would have. The general consensus was that through the campaign I would reach over 100 deaths. My goal is to get below 100 if I can, but it is going to definitely be tough to do.

So far the campaign is a lot of fun though. It’s super difficult and I’m going to be calling in a lot of help but I like the challenge. I know I’m not great at the game but hey I’m having fun so let’s gooo!!!