Disclaimer: Please make sure you always have a backup of your twitch settings/configs before you make any changes so that you can easily roll back the changes you try to make. Likewise, you are using these directions of your own volition and I am not responsible for helping you get things working again if these don’t work perfectly with your setup.

So, I know that a lot of people have issues with capture card audio. There are issues with delay, buzzing, and a few other things that don’t make any sense as to why they happen. I have a solution for some of the problems that I have been told no one else out there has really posted anything about. This video isn’t great, it’s based on Windows 11 and not Windows 10, and it’s short. That all being said you should be able to follow along as long as you have some basic computer knowledge (if you are streaming you probably have enough basic knowledge).

For those that don’t want to watch a video (like me), here are quick and easy written directions.

  1. Open OBS and in your audio sources mute the capture card.
  2. Go into your windows audio/sound settings, go to the more/advanced settings section that has the following tabs: Playback, Recording, Sounds, Communications.
  3. Go into the Recording tab.
  4. Find the capture card, right click it and go into properties.
  5. Under the Listen tab, select ‘Listen to this device.’ and choose an audio source. The audio source you choose depends on your setup. If you have a GoXLR or some other audio mixer, choose the appropriate channel that you want your game audio to go to. If you don’t have a mixer then you most likely want to listen to it on your default playback device.
  6. Hit ok on all of the audio windows and go back to OBS. You should now see the appropriate audio bar moving where you routed the capture card audio to.

If you have questions feel free to try and reach out. I don’t promise that I’ll always see your message and respond but I’ll do what I can. You can find me on my discord.

Anyway, I hope that people find this useful.