
Splitting twitch audio via OBS without a mixer

I’ve had a few people ask questions about splitting audio. How to do it, why would you want to, which way is best? So today I’m going to go over how you can split the audio channels inside of OBS and then some basics about working with that file. This goes over some of the…

StreamElements Song Requests

First off, if you haven’t watched their video you should. You can find the streamelements video here: So, after you watch their video if you are still having issues here are a couple things that I have learned. When you setup your OBS source, you want to set OBS to control the audio. This ensures…

UniFi Chromecast to IoT Subnet

Disclaimer: Please make sure you always have a backup of your settings/configs before you make any changes so that you can easily roll back the changes you try to make. Likewise, you are using these directions of your own volition and I am not responsible for helping you get things working again if these don’t…

Splitting Audio – With a GoXLR or other Mixer

I’ve had a few people ask questions about splitting audio recently. How to do it, why would you want to, which way is best? So today I’m going to go over how you can split the audio channels inside of OBS and then some basics about working with that file. For those that want a…

Capture Card Audio

Disclaimer: Please make sure you always have a backup of your twitch settings/configs before you make any changes so that you can easily roll back the changes you try to make. Likewise, you are using these directions of your own volition and I am not responsible for helping you get things working again if these…

Been a minute

I know that it’s been a minute since I’ve gone live on stream. Things have been very stressful at work lately and I just haven’t had the energy to stream when I get home and on the weekends. I need to hire a new employee and then once they get up and running things should…

Destiny 2

So, a new expansion for Destiny 2 is out. I thought I was done with the game I really did. But I saw some other people playing that I thought were done and talked to them about it. I was convinced to give it another shot. So, I get into the start of the campaign…


So, I’ve made my first twitch milestone. I have become an affiliate. To that end I’ve now been working on fixing a lot of the things on my stream. I’ve cleaned up my OBS settings and created a ‘testing’ profile so I can test new overlays. I’ve worked up my overlays so that they are…

New Hardware and a New Game

So I have a new piece of hardware coming in and it should be arriving on Wednesday. I will be receiving an RTX 3070 that will improve my graphics on my gaming rig by 50-80%. I’m currently on a 1070 ti and this will be a nice improvement. In addition, I will be moving my…

All Work and No Play

So I am trying to see if I can’t get things going with gaming and streaming. But work keeps on getting in the way. It seems the more that I can get done at work the more there is to do. Between the craziness of the Pandemic this year and so much other stuff going…