Tag: Stream

StreamElements Song Requests

First off, if you haven’t watched their video you should. You can find the streamelements video here: So, after you watch their video if you are still having issues here are a couple things that I have learned. When you setup your OBS source, you want to set OBS to control the audio. This ensures…


So, I’ve made my first twitch milestone. I have become an affiliate. To that end I’ve now been working on fixing a lot of the things on my stream. I’ve cleaned up my OBS settings and created a ‘testing’ profile so I can test new overlays. I’ve worked up my overlays so that they are…

New Hardware and a New Game

So I have a new piece of hardware coming in and it should be arriving on Wednesday. I will be receiving an RTX 3070 that will improve my graphics on my gaming rig by 50-80%. I’m currently on a 1070 ti and this will be a nice improvement. In addition, I will be moving my…

Welcome to Me…

This is where I will keep some thoughts and ideas regarding myself and gaming. I am working on creating a stream not for a living, I enjoy my job, but for the fun of it. This is where I am going to outline thoughts and information outside of my twitch stream which can be found…